Tawa College Tawa College

Level 1 Science 101

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Pivac.

Science 101 

This course covers ideas from the Nature of Science and the new Te Mātaiaho curriculum. It aims to develop scientific skills and attitudes, knowledge and understanding, and recognition of the importance of Science to society in Aotearoa/New Zealand. 

Contexts studied within the new Year 11 course may be related to Genetics and Ecology, Energy and Motion, Chemical Reaction Types and our Earth systems alongside weaving through aspects of our local area and Mātauranga Māori. 

It will be designed for both students wanting to continue on with Senior NCEA Sciences/University studies as well as introducing important employment skills for those looking at other pathways

Learning Areas:



NCEA Level 2 Biology 201, NCEA Level 2 Chemistry 201, NCEA Level 2 Earth and Space Science 201, NCEA Level 2 Physics 201

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Course trip contributions ($30)