Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 2 Business Studies 201

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: M. McIntosh.

Recommended Prior Learning

Level One NCEA.

Business Studies 201

Evidence of an enterprising spirit abounds in New Zealand’s history and is an aspect of our multicultural national identity. Enterprise and business entrepreneurship are essential to New Zealand’s economic future.

 Studying business creates opportunities for learners to:

  • understand the integral role of business in society and the economy
  • gain knowledge and understanding of good business practice and of business as a productive activity.
  • further develop and foster qualities such as initiative, resilience, and resourcefulness, and skills such as problem solving, co-operation, decision making, negotiation, and communication
  • gain knowledge and understanding of good business practice and of business as a productive activity
  • acquire greater financial capability.
  • learn how to carry out effective market research
  • set up and run a real business, building on the skills developed in the theory part of the course.
  • learn how large businesses in NZ prepare strategic responce to different influences
  • participate in the Young Enterprise Certificate run nationally throughout secondary schools in NZ and resourced by the Young Enterprise Trust. (Optional)

Course Overview

Term 1
Business Ideation, Market Research and Planning

Learners will form business groups and come up with a business idea to sell to the general public and support a community organisation. They will conduct market research to validate their business idea and inform their planning as part of AS90846 worth 3 credits, then build a planning portfolio which is assessed as part of their AS90848: Carry out, review and refine a business activity, worth 9 credits.

Term 2
Promote and Carry out Business Activity & Motivational Theory

During term 2 learners will continue their planning and aim to start promoting and taking their product to Market for the first time. They will also take part in a business pitch to present their business idea to a panel of judges as part of the Young Enterprise Competition.

In the latter part of the term, we will begin the last of the internal standards, AS90847 (3 credits), that looks at different Motivational Theories and how these are applied in a business context. This unit will be completed in term 3 following a trip to McDonald's Porirua.

Term 3
Motivational Theory, Business Carry Out & External Exam

Term 3 is a busy term as we complete the Motivational Theory internal, and teams refine their business planning after their first selling opportunities. They will then go to market for a second time ahead of a final reflection and wrapping up the business.

Learners will also learn about the external influences that affect business, and how businesses might respond as they prepare for the end of year external exam.

Learning Areas:



NCEA Level 3 Business Studies 301

Running your own business, but also working in any organisation or even event management.

Career Pathways

Sales Representative, Office Administrator, Finance Manager, Advertising Specialist, Sales and Marketing Manager, Retail Manager, Managing Director/Chief Executive

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

The business activity requires students raise the start-up capital to fund their business activity. This may involve each member of the team contributing share capital individually, although teams may also look into alternative funding mechanisms such as fundraising activities and/or resourcing their business with donated supplies.

Young Enterprise Competition: (Optional)
- Director Fee $45 (this is paid to the Young Enterprise Foundation)
- YES Tax (25%) on any profits earned.