Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 2 Accounting 201

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: M. McIntosh.

Recommended Prior Learning

Preferable: Accounting Level 1. 

Students who have not studied Accounting at Level 1 should speak with the TIC of Commerce.

Students will need reasonably numeracy and literacy skills to be successful in this course. 

Accounting 201

The course builds on the knowledge and skills learned at Level 1 with more emphasis on practical business applications of systems. Learners will visit businesses to see how the accounting theory studied in class is applied in the “real world”. There will also be a Xero simulation to experience computer-based accounting.

Course Overview

Term 1
Learners will be introduced to XERO, a well-known, and commonly used electronic accounting system. They will learn how to set up the accounts for a small entity, and complete the entry for a range of transactions and financial information
We will also explore how businesses manage their credit accounts (accounts receivable), and will visit a local business so that learners will see it in practice.

Term 2
In term 2, learners then look at how businesses manage their cashflow before learning how to prepare financial statements.

Term 3
Learners will complete their study of the Preparing financial statements standard before completing a report on decision making for a contemporary issue.

Term 4
Revision and exam preparation.

Learning Areas:



NCEA Level 3 Accounting 301, NCEA Level 3 Business Studies 301, NCEA Level 3 Economics 301

Accounting, Business Generally, Administration - NGOs, Business, Organisations.
Finance & Economics.

Career Pathways

Accountant, Auditor, Accounts Officer, Actuary, Finance Manager, Financial Adviser, Mortgage Broker, Payroll Officer, Management Consultant

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A calculator is required along with standard stationery.
Students will also need a laptop to access the Xero software.