Tawa College Tawa College

10 Digital Information Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Foulds.

Recommended Prior Learning

The course is open entry to new students.

Digital Information Technology 10DIT

Year 10 Digital Information Technology is a broad generic course preparing students for the Computer Science and Digital Media strands of the senior Digital Technology curriculum. Students extend their Digital skills using a range of software including Microsoft Access, SculptGL, Tinkercad, Notepad++, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Programming skills are taught using JavaScript and HTML/CSS Coding skills for Websites. Students also learn how to plan, create and query a flat file Database using Microsoft Access. 3D Modeling using SculptGL and Tinkercad (3D Printing) will also be available in Term 1.

2025 Year 10 Course

  • There are three major projects which are assessed both practically and theoretically.
  • One assessment is a unit standard with the possibility of gaining 3 credits at Level 2 in total. 
  • To meet the Technology Curriculum students are assessed on their ability to critically analyze existing outcomes, evaluate components for use and conceptualize their design ideas through a concept sketch.


Topic skills and knowledge are in line with the Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes. Students will be assessed on their ability to be working towards Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes and Computational Thinking. Pre-assessment will be carried out to establish existing student skill and knowledge levels. Self-assessment and peer assessment will be encouraged. The Tawa College Language of Learning will be used for both student self-assessment and end of topic grading; Beginning, Emerging, Developing, Proficient and Advanced.

This course leads to further DIT and CSI courses for Level 1 NCEA and develops students Digital skills/knowledge to support other areas of the curriculum.

10DIT scaffolds students so at Year 11 they can select:

  • 11 Design Information Technology which continues to build on Digital Media skills (Designing and Developing Digital Media Outcomes).
  • 11 Computer Science and Information which continues to build on Computer Science skills (Computational thinking).


Course Overview

Term 1
Databases using Microsoft Access
Week 1 Databases using Microsoft Access, Datatypes, Tables, Queries and Form Design
Week 7 Database Exam unit standard 29777 (3 credits).
Week 8 3D Modeling and Printing

Term 2
Computer Science and Advanced Website Design
Week 1 Introduction to Computer Science Programming Concepts using JavaScript for Websites.
Week 5 HTML Coding with emphasis on main structural tags (code) used for websites.
Week 7 HTML Advanced Coding Websites (Box Model CSS) with emphasis on iteration (trialing and testing) components.
Week 9 HTML Adding a range of Digital Media, Audio, Video and Animation for Websites.
Week 10 Relevant Implications associated with making a Website; Legal, Ethical, Accessibility and Aesthetics.

Term 3
Advanced Website Design and Digital Media Software Skills, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator
Week 1 HTML Website Assessment - Te Taiao - Our Natural World
Week 7 Digital Media Software Skills: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Design Principles/Elements.

Term 4
Digital Media Software Skills and Project - Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator
Week 2 Digital Media Project - Advertising the World of Wearable Arts Show.

Learning Areas:

Digital Technologies


Level 1 Computer Science Information 101, Level 1 Design Information Technologies 101

Career Pathways

Advertising Specialist, Information Technology Architect, Media Producer, Photographer, Test Analyst, Marketing Specialist, Animator/Digital Artist, Software Developer, Graphic Designer, Communications Professional, Graphic Pre-press Worker, Game Developer, Signmaker, User Experience Designer, Security Analyst, Security Consultant

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A4 Exercise Book 8mm ruled lines. For learning the Computer Languages.
A set of headphones (ear plugs).
Also have credit on their Papercut account for printing of some assessments.