Year 9 TECHNOLOGY - Computer Science and Information

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms C. Stevens, Mr D. Foulds.

Computer Science and Information Technology 9CSI

Computational Thinking is central to the course.
Computational thinking is more than being able to interact with computers in our everyday lives. It is about having the know-how and the confidence to look beyond the applications we use to the code beneath in understanding how the technology works. Students will learn problem solving skills to help them in creating their own digital outcomes.

2025 Year 9 Course

Students will learn:

  • To develop a range of problem solving techniques
  • To program using Python code
  • How to build and control robotic controllers (Micro:Bit)
  • How internet connectivity works
  • Aspects of Cyber-Security
  • How to create infographics using Adobe Photoshop.

Students will learn how to use the software packages Python IDLE and Adobe Photoshop. Please choose Digital Information Technology (9DIT) if learning other software packages is required. Both courses can be taken at Year 9 and are complementary. 

Students can:

  • Continue with a Computer Science and Information course in Year 10 which continues to build on Computer Science skills whilst introducing a range of other Digital Information.
  • Continue with a Digital Information Technology course in Year 10 which builds on the use of Digital Media skills.
  • Continue with both the Computer Science and Information and Digital Information Technology courses in Year 10.


Topic skills and knowledge are in line with the Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes. Students will be assessed on their ability to be working towards Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes and Computational Thinking. Pre-assessment will be carried out to establish existing student skill and knowledge levels. Self-assessment and peer assessment will be encouraged. The Tawa College Language of Learning will be used for both student self-assessment and end of topic grading; Beginning, Emerging, Developing, Proficient and Advanced.

Course Overview

Term 1
File Management and networking, Using applications and setting up browsers
Computational Thinking which includes:
- How to break a problem into its core components.
- Developing a solution to a problem using Algorithms.
Python Programming

Term 2
Python Programming
Micro:Bits using Python Programming
- Learning to program a controller for chosen task(s)
Binary - 1 week looking at:
- What binary is.
- How binary is used in computing to represent a graphic.
Adobe Photoshop - 3 weeks looking at:
- Tools and Techniques for image manipulation in Photoshop.
Cyber crime - 3 weeks looking at:
- How the Internet and Cyber crime works, how to stay safe.
- Use of Photoshop to create and present an "Infographic" on a Cyber crime topic of choice.

Term 3
File Management and networking, Using applications and setting up browsers
Computational Thinking which includes:
- How to break a problem into its core components.
- Developing a solution to a problem using Algorithms.
Python Programming

Term 4
Python Programming
Micro:Bits using Python Programming
- Learning to program a controller for chosen task(s)
Binary - 1 week looking at:
- What binary is.
- How binary is used in computing to represent a graphic.
Adobe Photoshop - 3 weeks looking at:
- Tools and Techniques for image manipulation in Photoshop.
Cyber crime - 3 weeks looking at:
- How the Internet and Cyber crime works, how to stay safe.
- Use of Photoshop to create and present an "Infographic" on a Cyber crime topic of choice.

Recommended Prior Learning

This course is open entry to new students.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A4 Exercise Book 8mm ruled lines. For learning the Computer Languages.
A set of headphones (ear plugs).
Have credit on their Papercut account for printing of some assessments.
