Year 9 TECHNOLOGY - Digital Information Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Foulds.

Digital Information Technology 9DIT 

9DIT Introduces the students to a range of software applications with emphasis on the technology and design process. Students will develop skills and knowledge associated with Digital Literacy and Digital Technology:

2025 Year 9 Course

Digital Citizenship: The focus will be equipping students with core knowledge and skills to be a confident and responsible Digital Citizen when using Technology devices and the Internet. Topics that will be covered; Ups and Downs of Digital Life, Rights and Responsibilities, Searching Strategies, Scams, Digital Footprint, Copyright and Design Principles.

 Design and create products such as a Database, Website and Flyer appropriate for a specific purpose and apply design principles for visual appeal.

Code a website to format and communicate information in a browser on the world-wide-web.

Plan, design and create a solution to address an issue that is related to real world situations, using a variety of software applications:
Students will develop their ability to use: Google Docs/Apps, Microsoft Access (Databases), Notepad++(HTML/CSS coding), JavaScript (programming), Photoshop (image manipulation) and 3D Printing (time permitting).

This course leads to further DIT and CSI courses in subsequent years and develops students Digital Literacy skills/knowledge to support other areas of the curriculum. 9DIT does compliment the 9CSI - Computer Science Information course, students can choose to do both 9DIT and 9CSI.


Topic skills and knowledge are in line with the Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes. Students will be assessed on their ability to be working towards Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes and Computational Thinking. Pre-assessment will be carried out to establish existing student skill and knowledge levels. Self-assessment and peer assessment will be encouraged. The Tawa College Language of Learning will be used for both student self-assessment and end of topic grading; Beginning, Emerging, Developing, Proficient and Advanced.

Course Overview

Term 1
Digital Citizenship (Relevant implications), Ups and Downs of Digital Life, Rights and Responsibilities, Searching Strategies, Scams, Digital Footprint, Copyright and Design Principles (3 weeks).
Photoshop (File Types, Image Manipulation, Resolution, Design Principles).
Databases (Data manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing).

Term 2
Databases (Data manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing).
JavaScript (Computer Science, Programming Concepts).
HTML (The world wide web) being able to code and communicate information through a website.
3D Printing (time permitting) rotate weekly with Photoshop.

Term 3
SEMESTER 2 (2nd half year option starts)
Digital Citizenship (Relevant implications), Ups and Downs of Digital Life, Rights and Responsibilities, Searching Strategies, Scams, Digital Footprint, Copyright and Design Principles (3 weeks).
Photoshop (File Types, Image Manipulation, Resolution, Design Principles).
Databases (Data manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing).

Term 4
JavaScript (Computer Science, Programming Concepts).
HTML (The world wide web) being able to code and communicate information through a website.
3D Printing (time permitting) rotate weekly with Photoshop.

Recommended Prior Learning

This course is open entry to new students.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A4 Exercise Book 8mm ruled lines. For learning the Computer Languages.
A set of headphones (ear plugs).
Also have credit on their Papercut account for printing of some assessments.
