Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 3 Physics 301

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Pivac.

Recommended Prior Learning

Compulsory: 12 credits in Level 2 Physics Achievement standards with at least 4 being from external standards.

Physics 301
The course further develops concepts introduced at Level 2, and introduces more advanced ideas. It aims to help students understand and use concepts, principles and models to explain physical phenomena, systems and devices. Areas of study include translational, rotational and simple harmonic motion, waves, and Practical Physics.

It is highly recommended that students who selected PHY301 are also selecting the External Maths course as a co-requisite

UE Approved Subject

Course Overview

Term 1
Waves and 3.2 research task ( the Physics of Musical instruments)
Mechanics part 1

Term 2
Mechanics part 2 and 3.1 practical task (4 credit internal assessment - practical investigation)

Term 3
Electricity and electromagnetism - basics.
Then a choice between completing the Electricity topic or the 3.7 internal assessment (3 credits) - Use Physics knowledge to develop an informed response to a Socio scientific issue

Term 4
Revsion for external exams

Learning Areas:


Career Pathways

Mining Engineer, Survey Technician, Aeronautical Engineer, Aeroplane Pilot, Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Air Force Aviator, Air Force Officer, Mechanical Engineering Technician, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Aircraft Refueller, Product Assembler, Software Developer, Chemist, Architectural Technician, Army Officer, Army Soldier, Insurance Loss Adjuster, Medical Physicist, Sound Technician, Electronics Engineer

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A Scipad workbook is strongly recommended for classwork and homework ($30).