Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 3 Mathematics I 301 with 1 External Assessment

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. MacEwan.

Recommended Prior Learning

Compulsory: At least 12 Level 2 credits.
Students who do not meet these criteria may be placed in this subject by HOD discretion.

Mathematics 301 (Internal)
This course aims to consolidate and extend students’ mathematical skills, as well as further develop logical thinking and problem solving techniques. This is a mixed course which involves both Mathematics and Statistics Standards. Most assessment for this course are Internals. This course is designed around the Level 3 Achievement Standards and Level 8 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum.

UE Approved Subject 

Course Overview

Term 1
This term they will be working on the following internal standards, Simultaneous Equations and Critical Path Analysis.

Term 2
This term they will be working on Linear Programming and the Bivariate standard. They will also start work towards the external standard Probability Distributions.

Term 3
This term they will be working on the internals Experiments and Time Series. Then they will continue working on the external standard Probability Distributions.

Term 4
This term they will continue working on the external standard Probability Distributions.

Learning Areas:
