Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 2 Mathematics I 201 with 1 External Assessment

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. MacEwan.

Mathematics I 201

This course is for students who would like to continue in Mathematics and have had some success at Level 1, but whose algebra skills are below the level necessary to cope with the MATE201  course. This course is designed around the Level 2 Achievement Standards and Level 7 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum and, with success, leads onto MATI301 at  Level 3.

A graphics calculator is expected for this course.

Course Overview

Term 1
AS 2.1 Coordinate Geometry
AS 2.4 Trigonometry

Term 2
AS 2.9 Statistical Inference
AS 2.3 Sequences & Series

Term 3
AS 2.13 Simulations
AS 2.5 Networks
AS 2.12 Probability (External)

Term 4
This term they will continue working on the external standard Probability.

Learning Areas:
