Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 2 Mathematics E 201 with 3 External Assessments

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. MacEwan.

Mathematics 201 (External)

This course aims to consolidate and extend students’ mathematical skills, as well as further develop logical thinking and problem solving techniques. It has a strong algebra base as it focuses on building the skills necessary for all Level 3 Mathematics Courses.

This course is primarily designed for lovers of Mathematics and students that know that their future pathways will include a need for higher mathematical or statistical study.

This course is designed around the Level 2 Achievement Standards and Level 7 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum.

This course leads to all Level 3 Courses in Mathematics

A graphics Calculator is expected in this course.

Course Overview

Term 1
2.1 Coordinate Geometry
2.4 Trigonometry

Term 2
2.9 Statistical Inference
2.12 Probability

Term 3
2.7 Calculus
2.6 Algebra

Learning Areas:
