Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 3 History 301

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Nielsen.

Recommended Prior Learning

This is a literacy-heavy subject. You should have 12 credits from a Level 2 subject which is literacy-rich (eg. Classics, Geography or English). Level 1 or 2 History is helpful, however, all students will be considered on a case by case basis.

“History is not the past but a map of the past, drawn from a particular point of view, to be useful to the modern traveller”. - Henry Glassie

History is the study of the past – it investigates the people, societies, and events of the past. Studying History gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems, develop empathy, think critically and understand how the events of the past influence the world today.

In Year 13 students will study a range of different contexts based around the themes of power, imperialism and colonisation. The course builds on the knowledge and skills students learnt in HIS201 with a focus on historiography that teaches the students to think like historians. Students will learn a range of skills such as examining historical perspectives, exploring different sides of contested events, writing convincing and logical arguments, analysing sources and learning how to carry out effective research.

UE Approved Subject

Course Overview

Term 1
In Term One students will analyse historian's perspectives and the significance of a contested historical debate. They will develop an understanding of the social, political, cultural and intellectual factors that shaped people’s thinking about the past. Possible topics could include the causes of the Rwandan Genocide or the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Term 2
In Term Two students will develop their understanding of cause and consequence. In this unit students will develop their essay writing skills and the ability to formulate a convincing argument. Possible topics could include the invasion of the Waikato, the War on Terror or the formation of the Black Panther Party.

Term 3
In Term Three the topic of study is Turning Points. In this unit students will complete a mini topic with the aim of developing their source analysis skills. Students will learn to evaluate the usefulness and reliability of historical sources, explain different perspectives and cross reference information. Students will have the opportunity to complete a research project on a topic of their choice related to the themes of the course.

Term 4
In Term Four students will focus on revision and preparation for the external examinations.

Learning Areas:

Social Sciences

Career Pathways

Secondary School Teacher, Curator, Journalist, Foreign Policy Officer, Solicitor, Tertiary Lecturer, Teacher Aide, Exhibition and Collections Technician, Primary School Teacher, Social Worker, Tour Guide, Elected Government Representative, Copywriter, Author, Editor, Archivist, Historian, Psychologist