Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 3 Fashion and Textiles Technology 301

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs T. Tippett.

Recommended Prior Learning

Level 2 Fashion and Textiles course: or HoD approval.

Level 3 Fashion OR Textiles Technology


Images are indicative only from Pinterest.

Students can choose to take a Textiles or a Fashion pathway for the year.

In this course students will learn:

  1. Complex sewing techniques
  2. To draft garment blocks and patterns
  3. In-depth understanding of fabrics and practical applications of materials
  4. To design and make applied design products


Learning Areas:

Design and Materials Technology

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There will be a contribution of $100 toward the cost of materials for the take home product.
Students are required to purchase stationery items on the school stationery list.