Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 2 Fashion and Textiles Technology 201

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs T. Tippett.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students should have done L1 Fashion & Textiles: or need to seek HoD approval.

This course offers a pathway in either Textiles or Fashion Technology. 
Students can choose which pathway they wish to follow.   

                                                                                                   The photographs are from the internet and are indicative only. 

                                      FASHION                                                                        TEXTILES

In this course students will learn:

  1. To develop and extend their sewing skills
  2. How to use the design process
  3. To develop their creative thinking skills
  4. Understand commercial patterns to make textile products and garments
  5. Learn how to draft a pattern for a garment
  6. How to manipulate fabrics
  7. To understand materials and their properties

Learning Areas:

Design and Materials Technology


NCEA Level 3 Fashion and Textiles Technology 301

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students will be required to purchase the stationery on the school stationery list, ready for the start of the course.