Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 2 Design Information Technologies 201

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms C. Stevens, Mr D. Foulds.

Recommended Prior Learning

This course is open entry to new students, however it is an academic course and students should preferably have studied DIT101.

Students who have not had prior experience are expected to discuss their suitability for the course with the HOD (Head of Department) Mr Foulds and show commitment to completing online coding courses in preparation for February 2025.

Design Information Technologies 201

This academic course builds on the DIT101 course and focuses on improving students literacy and knowledge of Advanced Digital Media Skills by iteration (trialing and testing) of Technology Components and Techniques, with Website Design standards and conventions being the main focus. Students will complete three major practical projects. 

  • The first project involves designing a Website, with the focus on user interface design and applying standards and conventions. 
  • Students will use their user interface design for the second and third projects, which are done together. This involves students exploring design ideas, trialing and testing components for a Website over three stages of development to code their own advanced website using use Notepad++, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Students will also experience Hosting and Managing their Website on projectspace.nz.

Students will be taught advanced coding and techniques in HTML5, CSS3 and learn how to integrate a full range of “JavaScript” animation, end user interactivity and event handling into their own website.

Students can also take the option CSI201 as this course compliments DIT201.


Gain up to 16 Achievement standard credits at Level 2. This will help students towards the 60 credits needed to pass their NCEA Level 2.

Course Overview

Term 1
Software Skills and Theory.
HTML / CSS Web Skills. CSS Grid System Layout, JavaScript Event Handling, Advanced CSS.
Theory for applying conventions to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome.
2.2 (3 credits) Apply conventions to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome.

Term 2
2.2 (3 credits) Apply conventions to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome.
2.8 (6 credits) Advances Processes - Develop a EOTC Tawa College Website.
2.4 (4 credits) Web Build done with 2.8 Advanced Processes. Using 2.2 Design to build and code a functioning EOTC Tawa College Website.

Term 3
2.8 (6 credits) Advances Processes - Develop a EOTC Tawa College Website.
2.4 (4 credits) Web Build done with 2.8 Advanced Processes. Using 2.2 Design to build and code a functioning EOTC Tawa College Website.
2.10 External (3 credits) Present a summary of developing a Digital Outcome.

Term 4
2.10 External (3 credits) Present a summary of developing a Digital Outcome.

Learning Areas:

Digital Technologies


NCEA Level 3 Design Information Technology 301

If you didn’t already know, there are so many job vacancies out there in the big wide world for people with Digital Technologies qualifications. There just aren’t enough of you! The top 5 skills employers are looking for are; Problem Solving, Team-working, Communication, Critical Thinking and
Creativity. So if you enjoy the subject and take it all the way to Uni, you could find yourself fighting off job offers when you graduate. Jobs areas; Web Development, Graphic Design, Marketing/Branding, User Interface Designer and Product Development.

Career Pathways

User Experience Designer, Graphic Designer, Animator/Digital Artist, Graphic Pre-press Worker, Copywriter, Software Developer, Game Developer

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A4 Exercise Book 8mm ruled lines. For learning the Computer Languages.
A set of headphones (ear plugs).
Also have credit on their Papercut account for printing of some assessments.