Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 3 Biology 301 Internally Assessed

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss E. Burge.

Recommended Prior Learning

12 credits Level 2 Biology I 201 or Biology E 201. 

Acceptance into this course for students who have not taken Level 2 will be at the discretion of the Teacher in Charge of Biology. Please discuss which Level 3 Biology course would be best for you with Miss Burge (TIC of Biology). 

Biology I 301
This course expands on the Level 2 Biology I 201 course, covering a range of biological principles and skills. This course covers how humans manipulate genes in animals and the resulting implications, socio-scientific issues, control of the internal environment of humans, an independent biological investigation, and human evolution. It is intended for students with an interest in Biology who do not intend to take Sciences at university level, or for those who require Level 3 Biology credits for their future studies. The nature of the Achievement Standards assessed in this course will require students to be able to manage their time effectively to complete the tasks.

UE Approved Subject

Course Overview

Term 1
Homeostasis (3 credits)
Biological Investigation (4 Credits)

Term 2
Socioscientific Issues Research Project - Topic TBC (3 credits)
Genetic Manipulation by Humans (3 credits)

Term 3
Genetic Manipulation by Humans
Human Evolution (4 Credits)

Term 4
Human Evolution

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Human Evolution workbook ($20) is recommended