Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 2 Art 201

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs S. Perera.

Recommended Prior Learning

Preferable: Level 1 Visual Art. This course is more suited to students who gained Merit or Excellence in the Achievement Standard for ARP101.


In this course students get to experience two different areas in the Visual Arts. It offers specialisation and in-depth development of multi-media artwork in the fields of Printmaking and Painting. This will allow students to choose one or more of the specialised subjects available at Level 3. Students will be encouraged to develop and express their ‘visual voice’. They will select and develop their response to a social or political theme and subject matter using Artist Models to both problem solve and extend their ideas. They will have the option to complete an external folio in either Painting or Printmaking. Students who enjoy digital techniques will be able to explore these approaches using their own devices/applications.

Interested students should view the slide show of student work provided in the 'Useful Links' section.

This course is essential for those considering Level 3 Painting and/or Printmaking, and for those contemplating a career in the creative industries. (Students preparing portfolios for application to Tertiary courses use much of their work from Level 2 Visual Art).

All Visual Arts subjects offered allow students to study Fine Arts, Design and /or Photography at a Tertiary level. Many degrees have a more general first year from which students can select and specialise in a particular area. The key is to have developed your 'creative' brain and to have broad practical experience of the creative process.

Course Overview

Term 1
Internal assessment AS91313 (2.2): 4 credits
Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to printmaking.

Term 2
Students will choose to sit either:
Internal assessment AS91316 (2.3): 4 credits
Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice.
Internal assessment AS91318 (2.3): 4 credits
Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established printmaking practice.

Term 3
Students will choose to sit either:
External assessment AS91321 (2.4): 12 credits
Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within painting.
External assessment AS91323 (2.4): 12 credits
Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within printmaking.

Term 4
Continued work on either:
External assessment AS91321 (2.4): 12 credits
Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within painting.
External assessment AS91323 (2.4): 12 credits
Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within printmaking.

Learning Areas:


Detailed Course Outline

NCEA Level 3 Painting 301, NCEA Level 3 Print Making 301

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Donation to cover portion of materials used: $90.00. No days out of school are planned at this stage although should a relevant exhibition occur a trip may take place.