Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 3 Art Design 301

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Connor.

Recommended Prior Learning

Preferable: Level 2 Design ‘Achieved’ for the external Folio standard.

Art Design 301
In this course, students get to be both client and designer. They choose an area of interest and skill, ranging from children’s book illustration through to a fully computer generated corporate image or promotional work for a major event, music CD release, etc. Then, students create a brief and work through the design process of research, concepts, development, resolution and a final presentation of designs on 3 A1 panels (folio). Students look at the work of traditional and contemporary designers to help them create successful solutions.

UE Approved Subject

Course Overview

Term 1
Logo Design:

Research the work of established designers and develop a logo design focused on a chosen design brief/theme.

Term 2
Poster/Large Format Design:

Develop a series of A3-sized designs using digital and traditional methods, centered on a chosen theme or purpose.

Term 3
Folio Development:

Work will focus on developing further designs based on chosen brief/theme. Ultimately this work will be part of External Folio assessment, to be completed in Term 4.

Term 4
Folio Completion:

Printing, arranging and presenting design work to best display ideas and development for External Assessment.

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There is a $60 donation to cover a portion of the materials used in class.
Students will also be expected to purchase $20.00 credit from the front office to cover all individual copying and printing.