Tawa College Tawa College

NCEA Level 2 Art Design 201

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Connor.

Recommended Prior Learning

No prerequisites. 

However, students taking this course should have an interest in creative work and be prepared to do some written research, as well as visual communication design projects. Students should have access to a digital camera for image research.

Art Design 201
This course is an introduction to art design using computers and traditional techniques. It is ideal for those who have not taken Visual Art at Level 1, but wish to do a creative subject at Level 2. Those who struggle with practical Arts such as painting and printmaking may choose this course. 

Students will use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to study visual communication and create their own work, according to their personal strengths and interests. They will research the work of contemporary designers and apply their knowledge of design concepts to produce a logo, LP record cover design and a poster to a musical event or exhibition. Students who wish to work in creative careers in the future (film-making, game design, illustration, etc.) will receive a strong foundation into the creative process and problem-solving, which are in-demand skills in many industries. A two panel folio is required for the external achievement standard.

Course Overview

Term 1
Logo Design: 4 credits

Term 2
LP Record Cover Design: 4 credits

Term 3
Poster Design, Event Invitation Design (Folio)

Term 4
Completing/Presenting 2-panel folio for External Assessment (12 credits)

Learning Areas:



NCEA Level 3 Art Design 301

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There is a $40 donation to cover a portion of the materials used in class. Students will also be expected to purchase $20 credit for all individual printing and copying. There is also a 1-day Yoobee Design course which introduces Adobe Illustrator program on computers. This course costs approximately $60.

For more information contact Mr. Connor.