Teacher in Charge:
Year 9 Social Studies
Learning in the Social Sciences helps students to thrive in the diverse communities and environments of Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond. Social Studies develops your skills in conceptual thinking, research, exploring perspectives and critical and creative thinking to take social action. Ākonga will draw on understandings of the past, to make sense of the present and inform future decisions and actions.
There is wide scope in Social Studies to learn about a range of contexts that suit students and allow them to bring their own diverse experiences and understandings of the world into the classroom.
Term 1
Mana Whenua
Students begin the year understanding the concept of mana whenua and why it is important to acknowledge and honour mana whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand. We spend time understanding elements of mana whenuatanga at Tawa College and explore the big question, "To what extent is Aotearoa New Zealand authentically bicultural?".
Term 2
Toia Te Waka
Toia Te Waka means to haul a canoe, using a migration metaphor to give a message of unity and togetherness. In this unit, students will understand how interactions through migration change societies and environments. Rich contexts chosen will reflect the ongoing need for unity in today’s ever-globalised world as people around the world seek or need a sense of place and home.
Students will learn why people migrate, and the impact of migration on culture, identity and sense of place. Students will understand how migration can be shaped by politics, and the power of governments to influence people’s sense of home.
Term 3
Te Taiao
The taiao is the natural world that contains and surrounds us - the land, water, climate and living beings. The concept of the taiao refers to the interconnection of people and nature, and intrinsically incorporates the value of kaitiakitanga, the responsibility of guardianship over the whenua, the land and its resources.
Students will build on their knowledge of environmental issues in today’s world to understand environment themes at a more complex level, such as how climate change and environmental degradation are impacting communities inequitably. The learning will have a strong theme of responses and actions, including those taken historically as well as currently.
Term 4
Whiti te Rā
This is an opportunity for students to put their learning into action! Students will learn about past social actions that have made change in our society as examples of ways that we can contribute positive change in our community. Students have a chance to design and implement a social action campaign that they are passionate about in order to deepen their understanding of citizenship, perspectives and problem solving.
Year 9 Courses, Social Sciences
Social Studies leads to Social Science subjects in the senior school. Senior Social Science subjects are Classical Studies, Geography, History, Legal Studies, Psychology, and Tourism. Skills developed in Social Studies are transferrable and applicable across many other subjects.
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryComputer (as per school BYOD guidelines), A4 exercise book, scissors, ruler, pens, pencils, glue stick.