Tawa College Tawa College

Year 9 CORE - Physical Education and Health

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs G. Lodge.

Physical Education and Health
The philosophy of Junior Physical Education is to give students a wide range of experiences and knowledge to enable them to develop lifelong intrinsic fitness habits for the benefit of their future health and well-being. Practical activities are in blocks: Athletics, Cross Country, Running for Fitness, Invasion Games, Racket sports, Māori Games, Invasion Games - skills and relationships, Orienteering, Movement/Jump Rope. KEY COMPETENCIES: Self-Management and Participating and Contributing, as well as skills and fitness. 

Year 9 Health is once a week for the whole year. It is done with the core teaching class. We cover topics depending on student need. We cover hauora, resilience, coping with change, looking after ourselves and staying safe. We also look into the dangers of vaping and drug education along with assertive skills and communication. Puberty and body changes are also covered.

Course Overview

Term 1
Physical Education
Summer Sports

Intro to Health and the class
Concept of Hauora
Coping with change.

Term 2
Physical Education
Racket Sports

Health Education
Vaping and Cannabis education
Mental Health

Term 3
Physical Education
Invasion Games - Skills and relationships - Sports Education Model

Health Education
Sexuality - Puberty, periods and self esteem.

Term 4
Physical Education
Small Ball skills - cricket, softball.

Health Education

Learning Areas:

Year 9 Courses ( these will be updated for 2025 by start of term 3), Health, Physical Education


10 Physical Education and Health

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Physical Education uniform and sports shoes