Tawa College Tawa College

Year 9 ARTS - Music Band and Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Cameron.

This course is designed for students who are interested in practical music making, music technology and pop/rock music.

● Setting up a sound system (microphones, instruments, amplifiers, speakers)
● Composing beats and using loops and samples
● Learning guitar, keyboard, bass and drums and playing songs in groups
● Researching bands and finding out what makes a good song.

Course Overview

Term 1
In Term 1, students will have two focus areas. The first focus will be on learning skills on the keyboard and guitar, putting these into a real world application by playing through a selection of songs. The second focus will be on Composing; where students will have the opportunity to use skills learnt in the first unit around chord playing to create their own songs/musical works.

Term 2
In Term 2, students will start out with Group Performance. Students will work in groups to learn songs and create performances. They will present to the class at the end of the unit time. In the second half, students will be able to choose their own learning path. This exploration of a passion focus allows students to delve into an area where they feel the most engagement and joy.

Term 3
(this is a half year course)

Term 4
(this is a half year course)

Learning Areas:

Year 9 Courses ( these will be updated for 2025 by start of term 3), Music


10 Music Performance Technology, 10 Music Studies