Tawa College Tawa College

Year 9 Compulsory - Mathematics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. MacEwan.


Mathematics in Year 9 is aimed towards Level 4 and 5 of the NZ Mathematics Curriculum but will be adapted to suit the current level of each student.  Support will be given to students working at Level 3 or extending Level 5. We aim to secure the building blocks each student will need to confidently move forward in Mathematics and to encourage them to develop a logical way of approaching problems based on contextual situations.  

Using a mix of written, practical and online activities, students will focus on key Mathematical skills in areas such as Number work, Geometry, Statistics, Algebra and Problem Solving. Students will be encouraged to work both individually as well as collaboratively depending upon the task at hand. 

Numeracy knowledge and skills are essential for mathematics in everyday family and financial matters, learning, work and community tasks, and social and leisure activities. Students will also be exposed to Numeracy problems and skills throughout the course.

Course Overview

Term 1
Geometry and Algebra

Term 2
Number and Algebra

Term 3
Number, Statistics and Algebra

Term 4
Statistics and Algebra

Learning Areas:

Year 9 Courses, Mathematics

Assessment Information

There will be a variety of different style of assessments for each of the topics throughout the year


10 Mathematics

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students will be issued with a Mathematics Stationery pack which will be left in the classroom. Payment will be expected via the school office or online. Details of cost will be on the stationery list.