Tawa College Tawa College

Year 9 LANGUAGES - English Language Learners

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms M. Burke.

Year 9 English Language Learners

The Year 9 English Language Learners class assists students in language development and writing skills. It also focuses on developing reading comprehension skills. This class aims to extend students’ skills and knowledge in vocabulary, particularly formal and academic language, and supports them to use what they have learned in their writing. Students will be taught how to use sentence and paragraph structure appropriately and demonstrate accuracy with grammar, including verb tenses and forms.

Although this course is an option course, for most Year 9 students it should be taken for a full year. Some students could take it in the first half of the year and if they do well in this course, they could go on to choose another option.

Digital learning is a key component of this class.

Learning Areas:

Year 9 Courses ( these will be updated for 2025 by start of term 3), English


English Language Learners Reception

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

1B8 Exercise book