Tawa College Tawa College

10 Physical Education and Health

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs G. Lodge.

Physical Education and Health

The philosophy of Junior Physical Education is to give students a wide range of experiences and knowledge to enable them to develop lifelong intrinsic fitness habits for the benefit of their future health and well-being. Practical activities are in blocks: Athletics, Cross Country, Warrant of Fitness - goal setting, Sports Education - Interpersonal Skills, Volleyball, Ki o Rahi Small Balls: softball, cricket, tennis, Introduction to New Sports. KEY COMPETENCIES: Self-Management, Participating and Contributing as well as skills and fitness are the focus throughout the year. 

Year 10 Health is one period a week for all Year 10 students. It is designed around student needs and covers topics of Hauora, Resilience, Assertiveness, Drug and Alcohol, Sexuality, Personal Safety, Bullying, Stress, Anxiety and Coping Strategies. 

Course Overview

Term 1
Physical Education
Summer Sports

Health Education
Self esteem

Term 2
Physical Education
Racket Sports

Health Education
Bullying, cyber bullying
Drug Education - Assertiveness

Term 3
Physical Education
Sports Education - Kotahitanga - Invasion Games

Health Education
Personal Safety

Term 4
Physical Education
Small Balls: cricket, tennis, softball
Introduction to new sports

Health Education
Stress and Anxiety
Coping Strategies

Learning Areas:

Health, Physical Education


Level 1 Physical Education 101

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Physical Education uniform and Sports shoes