10 MĀORI - Te Reo Māori

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Kōkā R. Hautapu.

Nau mai rā, piki mai rā ki 10MAO!

Tēnā koe otirā tēnā koutou e te whānau.

Hosting of Te Whakataetae ā-Rohe mō Ngā Manu Kōrero o ngā Kura Tuarua at Tawa College

Pipiri 2024

The aim of 10MAO is to have ākonga finish the year able to, "cope with a variety of routine situations when talking to speakers of te reo Māori.  They can use familiar language with some flexibility and pick up some new language from its context."  Furthermore, "They are becoming more confident in using a range of language learning strategies".

The focus is on whakarongo and kōrero.  Look forward to regularly delivering your pepeha (or karapipiti), sharing about life at home and school, including activities you enjoy doing, talking about kai (and maybe eating some too).  Heoi anō, Māori mā, Pākehā mā, Tangata Moana mā, hara mai rā kia rongo ake, kia kōrero ake, kia rewa ake tō reo rangatira o te whenua nei.  Turou Hawaiki!

Recommended Prior Learning

Nil previous learning required.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

1B5 workbook
Pens, pencils, pencil case, highlighters, eraser, pencil sharpener, scissors, glue stick


According to Victoria University of Wellington, skills in tikanga and te reo Māori are in high demand and an understanding of the Māori worldview is crucial to success in a range of enterprises. Career opportunities are growing in education, health, business and technology, the legal profession, tourism, foreign affairs and trade and environmental concerns. Related roles can include academic advisors, policy analysts and researchers, broadcasters and content creators, communications advisors, community coordinators, project coordinators, management consultants, business or service designers.

Check out https://www.seek.co.nz/te-reo-maori-jobs to see what's available today.

Career Pathways