10 Product Design and Making (Workshop)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: H. Browne.
Do you enjoy designing and making products ?
These images are from Pinterest and are indicative only.
This course will cover projects in 3 different career pathways to enable students to experience different technological fields. Each will be taught in a different material so that students learn about how materials can be worked. Each project will also include design work following a design process so that students understand how products are concieved and realised by designers and makers from start to finish. It will also cover the theory behind each material that we will use, so students learn to understand material properties, as well as their working characteristics.
Technological pathways will be: (these may be subject to change)
Term 1: Jewellery Designer - Maker
Term 2: Product Designer - Maker
Term 3: Fabricator
Recommended Prior Learning
To do this course you will need to:
- enjoy learning how to design
- be curious about materials and how they can be used
- have patience to practice skills and want to take pride in the work you produce
You need to be able to work responsibly within the school workshop area, and well with other students to form a strong learning community within the class, that supports one another to succeed.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Students will required to purchase the stationery requirements on the school staionery list, ready for the start of the course.