10 Music Studies

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Cameron.

Music Studies
This course is part of a progressive programme from Year 9 to Year 13 and forms the basis for the Year 11 music course MSS101.

The content will be under the following strands of the NZ Music Curriculum:
· Developing Ideas in Music – Composition, Arranging
· Communicating and Interpreting Music – Performance
· Developing Practical Knowledge in Music – Aural and Transcription Skills
· Understanding Music in Context – Musical Knowledge

The course aims to encourage tolerance and understanding of a wide range of musical styles through individual and corporate performance both vocal and instrumental, and to equip the students through listening, aural and theoretical development, to create and compose their own music.

Course Overview

Term 1
Music from around the World (Indonesian Gamelan)
Playing and composing bass lines

Term 2
Playing music in groups
Composing music

Term 3
Chords, Canon, and Counterpoint
Film Music

Term 4
History of Western Classical music
How to cover a song

Recommended Prior Learning

Because of the performance component, it is recommended that students have either a private or itinerant instrumental/voice teacher.
Option music students are encouraged to sing in at least one choral group and to belong to an appropriate instrumental group within the school if they play an instrument.


Careers in the music industry: performing, songwriting, composing, live music entertainment, music education, music production, artist management, marketing and PR, music journalism, recording engineering, music arranging.

The unique skills of the musician are becoming increasingly marketable in a world where communication, confidence, creativity and innovation give graduates an edge. Music plays a central part in the games we play, our social media and our real-life gathering places.